Yamoussoukro, Côte d’Ivoire
Validation workshop :Development of a method for the validation of recurrent costs in the preparation of medium-term expenditure plans.

DSI held the validation workshop of the draft report on the theme: “Development of a Method for Validating Recurrent Costs in the Preparation of Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks”. May 10-12, 2023
As part of the strengthening of economic and financial governance in general, and more specifically the programming of public investments, a study on the development of a method for validating recurrent costs in the preparation of medium-term expenditure frameworks was carried out with funding from AfDB trough PAGEF, the Directorate General of Planning and Development (DGPD), and the Directorate General of the Budget (DGB) in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of public investment for strong and inclusive growth.
After a field mission in October 2022 and the preparation of the draft report of the study, DSI believes it would be useful to organize a presentation and training workshop so that the stakeholders could become familiar with the methodology for calculating recurrent costs. This workshop is part of the finalization of this study in order to agree on all the key concepts and thus improve the efficiency of the PIP implementation. This workshop is being organized specifically to refine the theoretical concepts and methods for estimating recurrent costs by economic sector.
For this mission, the DS Institute will work in close collaboration with PAGEF, the Direction Générale du Plan et du Développement (DGPD), and the Direction Générale du Budget (DGB)