Welcome from the CEO
Since the end of World War II, economic development has been on the spotlight, first in Europe and now in Africa, Asia and Latin America.
The development literature reaches the consensus that economic development should come WITHIN the countries. However, the main
question is how to do it.
Dr. Gaston GOHOU, PhD, ISE, ASMC
Who we are?
DS Institute is an independent think tank and applied research institute for sustainable development and economic growth.
With 10 years of spreading «a new vision for development», CESS Institute
transformed to DS Institute.
The new mission of DS Institute is to support countries in «achieving an inclusive
and sustainable development for all».
Our approach is centered on three main pillars:
Through these pillars, DS Institute offers to its clients operational tools to achieve
an inclusive and sustainable economic development.
DS Institute ensures the sustainability and sustainability of projects and development programs by taking into account the theory of change and information systems technologies as support.
The think tank’s objective is to provide to a selected group of researchers, on invitation only, a space to do innovative research on sustainable development in general.
The Solutions Laboratory offers innovative solutions on development issues for countries. These solutions are offered free of charge to countries or the private sector.
The Information system aim to provide technical support to countries, development agencies and the private sector to improve their service deliveries.
Area of activity
DS Institute is innovating by combining three key fields required for a successful inclusive and sustainable development:
- Theory of change
- Information systems technologies
- Strategic development planning
DS Institute’s approach is based on best international practices and standards for Managing for Development Results (MfDR) and development project management.
DS Institute, thanks to its flexible organizational structure, is able to focus fully on any country’s specific needs and to provide it with all the support required to achieve its development objectives.
Information system
- Information System for Online platform
- Information System for Mapping (GIS)
- Information System for Electronic document archiving
Project management
- Information System for Project framework development
- Information System for Project planning and initiation
- Information System for Project execution
Monitoring and evaluation
- Information System for Project implementation
- Information System for Results measurement framework
- Information System for Evaluation with or without control group
Our publication list
Civil Society Engagement and
Inclusive Growth
For the full report, contact us: info@dsinstitute.org
Our Clients
DSI Canada
3155, Chemin Ste. Foy, Québec (Qc.) , G1X1R3,
Canada - +1 418 914 5444
DSI Côte D'ivoire
Angré Château d’eau 01 BP 4853 Abidjan 01 Abidjan,
Cote d’Ivoire - +225 07 07 04 07 55
DSI Rwanda
- Regional Office, East and Southern Africa Africa Union Blvd, KK 10 av, KK 500st Kigali, Rwanda
+250 788 509 838
+250 255 119 561
DSI Tunisia
- 04 Rue de caire, Avenue Maghreb arabi, Manouba, Tunisia
- +216 22 039 113